I am just building the site & need to set up on line purchasing. You can text or e mail me if you are interested in anything.
don weiss
917 - 923-2441 (prefer text)
I will be selling individual images taken from a "multi" (my term for my collages) or the entire multi. I will also have different types of art for sale including. I am sorry to report that I have a terminal illness - photogoritus! The only cure is death. It is so easy just clicking away. For my photographs I will focus on my Las Vegas Abstract Expressions, explained below, The Royal Wedding - Best Shot Images & other images that I like. I will show images from many sources. I have about 150 albums with about 30 4' x 6' images in each. I have lots of loose 4' x 6' images & some 8' x 10' loose images. I have about 14,000 images on my iphone & chips from my old hand held camera which I can review on my iphone with the proper device. Each chip allowed about 600 images, so it time consuming & less fun than just going through loose images or images in albums. "Flower Power" pieces. I use unusual bases for artificial Flowers. Many will be in Royal Doulton Toby Jugs. You can youtube "The history of Royal Doulton Toby Jugs. It's very interesting & all the faces are with character & many have names. Some from novels, some from history & others that an artist created.
I am also selling Las Vegas Abstract Expression images. A "Foursome" is on the right. Each are numbered. All images are signed & dated by me - no two images will have the same date so, although they are not a limited edition each will have a different date, so each is unique. These were all taken using an old hand held camera that had the ability to keep the shutter open as long as I wanted. When driving on the highway going Eat onto Las Vegas Blvd, at night, I would open the window, hold the steering wheel with my left hand & move the camera from the left side of the open window to the right holding the shutter open.
On my site DonaldWeissIdeasForChange.com, I am putting up some good ideas for Apple including putting a button about 1" from the bottom right side that leaves the lens open as long as it is depressed. That should sell millions of phones because EVERY photographer wants control over the time the shutter is open.
I will also be selling Happy Springs Family Mannequins. I now have 8 & 3 "in waiting" to be "created". I can create a custom mannequin ??? with your desired face & clothing you send me or my own choice of clothing. I will add things that will create the "art". The Head of Th Happy Springs Family Mannequins is with his little "buddy" Georgie. They are the bottom L image. Both were "built" by my neighbor & we forgot the base prevents pants - oh well - I don't care for them either. The "man's" 1st name is Manny & don't you know his last name is Quinn! Get it - Manny Quinn. More on the mannequins on pg 2. To get to pg 2, you have to click the 2 bars on the upper Left of the 1st page & go to pg 2. Then you have to scroll down. ***
I have many photographs - developed & on my phone. I like to put them together in what I call a "multi". The multi can be purchased or any individual image. All images will be on 1/8" brushed aluminum.
I have 1 Donald Trump piece completed Flower Power Donald Trump High Top Sneaker Assemblage #1 - see below. I am not a fan of Donald Trump - really what can you say about a President who sells AR15 automatic weapons - named for him - to the public! But he has been, is & will be consequential in the history of America & there are tons of Donald Trump products, all of high quality.
His gold high top Sneaker are really beautiful. All the info is down on on this page. No other President - not Washington, not Lincoln, not even Regan - has ever made their "own" gold high top sneakers. And no other President has ever sold AR15 Automatic Weapons, name for him, on line! Oy Veh! Let's just hope our democracy is still intact 12-31.
The site is set up with pages & sections on each page. You can scroll down to the bottom of page 1 & see if anything “catches your eye”. To go to pg 2 & more "product" you have to go to the very top & click the 2 bars on the upper right & go to pg 2. It's a bit complicated.
Until I have on line purchasing, you can contact me.
don weiss
January 8, 2025
917 923-2441 (prefer text)
dweiss5348@icloud.com (dup if can)
*DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for a permanent lasting
peace between Israel & The Palestinians
*JudyGarlandAddicts.com - Youtube Judy Frank Dean & choose the 6
videos -U will plotz. If you don’t know how, I’ll teach you
*SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA
Until I get a system for on line purchases, you need to contact me:
Donald Weiss
917 923-2441
Tell me what you are intersted in.
My other websites are:
DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for a permanent lasting peace between Israel & The Palestinians +++
*JudyGarlandAddicts.com - Youtube Judy Frank Dean & choose the 6
videos U will plotz - if you don’t know how, I’ll teach you. Also, "Judy Garland The Concert Years" is a wonderful story of her life (in about 1 hour) with many beautiful songs.
*DonaldWeissPhotosAndArt.com - Some photos, Assemblages & Flower Power pieces are up up
*SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA but would listen to options.
How I came up with the title Las Vegas Abstract Expressions for those easily recognizable images.
I took a series of pictures while in Las Vegas about 10 years ago using a small handheld camera that allowed me to keep the shutter open as long as I held the shutter button down. While driving on a highway going into Vegas, I would roll my left window down steer the car with my left hand & hold my handheld camera at the open window and move it from left or right with the shutter open. I have 20 images in this series and am beginning with images 1, 2, 3 & 4. They are numbered upper L, lower L, Upper Rt, lower Rt
All images - you can buy the four images as shown or any of the four images alone
All images (the foursome or an individual image:)are on on brushed aluminum - 12" x 18" - please contact me for the price
18' x 24" - same
All images will be signed and dated by the artist (that is me) on the back. It's so nice clean with no signature on the image. Although the images are not a limited edition, no two pieces will have the same date so each will be “unique”.
donald weiss
917 923-2441 (prefer text)
All the info about these images are in the section above.
Image 1 - Upper L
Image 2 - Lower L
Image 3 - UpperRt
Image 4 - Lower Rt
All info above in LVAE Foursome #1!
All info in LVAE Foursome #1
All info in LVAE Foursome #1
Images 17 - 20
Yes, it's true - I have photogoritus! You won't find it in any medical journal.
I came up with that condition in the early 90s. It cost about $280 to fly round trip to Paris from NYC. I have lived in Douglaston, Queens since '91 in a 3 BR. It is in a 2 family house in a neighborhood with only 1 entrance off the main street, Commonwealth Blvd. I call the apt. Happy Spring’s - more on that later. A nice hotel room in Paris was about $80 a night. Not luxury but clean and always in a pleasant interesting neighborhood.
If you’ve been to Paris you’ll agree, I think, it is like dipping yourself in a big vat of warm chocolate with cherries and whip cream - everything is beautiful. The people are beautiful. The architecture is beautiful. The weather is not so beautiful, but who cares. Paris, & the people, are so fascinating that you could sit outdoors at a café for an entire day and have a day that you say was enjoyable. Because just watching the people is a show. The people are mostly elegant. Even if not fancy elegant, certainly a certain flare to the way they dress and the way they cary themselves. Most have a joie de vois (joy for life), without question.
The apt. house I owned, on Broadway & 151 St. in Manhhattan had an excellent superintendent. I had an office in the building & a secretary. So I was free to travel & my partner had just sold his restaurants and he was free to travel - so we traveled. I was gaga over Paris & went 2 or 3 times a year. I generally rented a car because I love driving around Paris to take as many pictures as they could and we often took two or three day trips outside of Paris covering much of France.
On my 1st trip with Mehran (I did go there on my honeymoon in 1978) I met a gallerist, Mark Hachem. He has two galleries on the Place des Vosges in the Marais district. It is unusual - the foursome to the right shows you a touch of the elegance. was built between 1605 and 1612 and was commissioned by King Henry IV. The square was home to aristocratic mansions and was a meeting place. There are retail stores all around with a wide overhang. You can google it for images & more info & even get the cost, & look at, an apartment. A 1 BR is about $600,000. All apartments overlook the Square and the other beautiful buildings It is a 1600s group of mansard roofed, attached, 5 story apartment houses, with retail, with an overhang, all around the 4 sides. It faces this magnificent small square that. It was built for the gentry when Paris had enough “issues” that there were only 3 entrances & there was a guard. I had always enjoyed art, but never really took any art classes or studied it so my enthusiasm for art was filled by Mark and I bought my first piece of art from him a human mobile. It was made from 1 piece os metal tubing about 1/2" in diameter. Then he started sending me to Art To’s in and around Paris and that was very exciting for me.
I had my old 35 mm camera which meant I had to take a piece of paper and number it and scotch tape it on the unusual film to make sure that when I had them developed, I had them developed in the proper order. I went crazy taking pictures in Paris and my partner would always say to me stop taking so many pictures and I would say to him I can’t. I have photographs.
I have many albums in Paris, but I have to find them, but this is the first one I came across and it is titled Paris With Mehran (he’s Persian) March ‘99. I have a number of hardback 4” x 6” Albums and many that are not in a hardback, but in albums. each album has anywhere from 20 to 100 photographs and I have some loose photographs. Also Paris and I have 49 multis. I will post some of them here each multi has eight or 10 photographs. I have a lot of photographs which is caused that condition of photogaritus.
I had my old 35 mm camera which meant I had to take a piece of paper and number it and scotch tape it on the unusual film to make sure that when I had them developed, I had them developed in the proper order. I went crazy taking pictures in Paris and my partner would always say to me stop taking so many pictures and I would say to him I can’t. I have photographs.
I have many albums in Paris, but I have to find them, but this is the first one I came across and it is titled "Paris With Mehran March ‘99". I have a nmany 4” x 6” albums with Paris images. Each album has anywhere from 20 to 100 photographs and I also have loose photographs of Paris. Also I have 49 multis of Paris on my phone. These images were from the album I just stated. I took a lot of photographs in Paris which began my condition of photogaritus.
Pricing - Contact me:
917 - 923-2441
I had owned an apartment house on Broadway in 151st St. since 1975 when I bought the building, The building had 60 apartments including 24 four bedroom apartments, & 9 retail stores. I had my office there and was always impressed by the beautiful buildings on Broadway, but realized there were issues in gentrification because of the rent stabilization law. It is a two edged sword. For a rent stabilized tenant, their rent is generally substantially below market and they are happy and do not want to address change. They hardly ever move so it prevents change.
In the late 90's I decided I wanted to open a gallery in the building. I had become so enamored with art and had decided to open originally one gallery in the building, I got a vacant store, so decided to put in the gallery in that store. The rent for stores at that time were very low and they basically served the poor population in the neighborhood and were Mom and Pop stores. There was high turnover. I got another vacant store and had to decide whether I wanted to rent it out to a Mom and Pop store, that may or may not make it, or keep it as another gallery. The rent was only around $1,500 a month so I figured "Well, I’ll certainly be able to make a profit of that amount.
Within a short period of time, 2 more stores became vacant & I had a four bedroom apartment above one of them. I kept that vacant also to duplex up from the store. Now I was on the path for a fairly major project. I put in all new storefronts & installed flag poles all around the building. My gallerist friend had introduced me to the sculptor Dominique Polles. I had visited him as Italia in Pietro Center, Italy twice for a Casting when he would take a skewer and put steaks on the skewer and put them in the fire pit and sit us down at a table amongst his beautiful female, bronze, sculptures, and palm trees, and whatever and Put it on a plate with salad and some wine and a loaf of bread. It was quite remarkable the first time I went to his Italian I saw the sculpture not now, and I was overwhelmed by the unique of it and the beauty of it he is the only sculpture that I know of who has addressed the mail fellows in an artistic profound way, and if you ask a male, what’s the most important part of his body, I think most of them will say their left ear and I came up with the theory that the shape of the palace is the antique space of the feminine symbol of the V in Leonardo da Vinci’s last supper. Polo is a genius and I have some of his work in the section below. he is the only sculpture in the world who has his own foundry and his Italian. He was born and brought up in Paris, but always wanted to be a sculptor although his father sent him to medical school. He dropped out toward the end and moved to Peter center with his girlfriend who still lives in that converted wine press factory that they bought outside of the town of Petra Center in the Hills and converted to living space and his Foundry. his parents were philosophers and he would listen to them at night, and when I told him I wanted to buy the sculpture not now it was sitting on his lawn, took him five years to create it. He had something serious in mine when he created it, he got to Marvel from the same Cory where Michelangelo got to Marvel for the DAVID I actually call it the modern day David. I told him I’d like to buy the sculpture as a focal point for the art center because I wanted to start a discussion of the rent stabilization law ha ha ha well, he liked my philosophy and said he would sell it to me.
All images are for sale, See purchasing info ?????
The Place des Vosges is historic, beautiful & unusual - the "multi" to the right shows you a touch of the elegance. It is in the Marais district. It was built between 1605 and 1612 and was commissioned by King Henry IV. The square was home to aristocratic mansions and was a meeting place. There are retail stores all around with a wide overhang. You can google it for more images & more info & even get the cost, & look at, an apartment. A 1 BR is about $600,000. All apartments overlook the Square and the other beautiful buildings It is a 1600s group of mansard roofed, attached, 5 story apartment houses, with retail, with an overhang, all around the 4 sides. It faces this magnificent small square that. It was built for the gentry when Paris had enough “issues” that there were only 3 entrances & there was a guard. I had always enjoyed art, but never really took any art classes or studied it so my enthusiasm for art was filled by Mark and I bought my first piece of art from him a human mobile. It was made from 1 piece os metal tubing about 1/2" in diameter. Then he started sending me to Art To’s in and around Paris and that was very exciting for me.
Flower Power Donald Trump Gold High Top Sneaker Assemblage
I am not a big fan of Donald Trump. In fact, I am very concerned about the future of our democracy. His announcement that he is going to arrest senators and congressman who investigated his January 6 "tea party" certainly is a concern as well as so many other things that are going on these days. To see the snaker with a close up - take a photo of the image thenyou can enlarge it.
The only good thing I could say about Donald Trump is he makes great gold high top sneakers so I’ve decided to create art with these sneakers. The Assemblage includes a Donald Trump gold high top sneaker with artificial flowers & leaves, a coveted King of Diamonds Donald Trump Card, a hand painted arrow, also signed by the artist (ME!)- Donald Trump's favorite word), a Rubber Ducky Donald Trump, a goblet filled with "rare" stones & small Donald Tump gold high top sneakers. The sneaker is signed & dated. In addition, to make the assemblage whole, 3 “Thank You Jesus” candles are included.
Everything will be sent in one box, You can put the Styrofoam back in the sneaker and put the flowers and leaves back in either as I have them or as you would like and everything else you can put together as it will be included in the box sent to you. Shipping is included domestically. For international shipping, please email or text me for the cots
Donald Weiss'
917 - 923-2441 (prefer text)
Price: $695 + Shipping - give me your zip or country - includes shipping domestically.
Contact me if you are interested & I will make arrangements for payment and delivery to you.
August 18, 1947 - I was born in a manger - whoops, wrong story. I just read Jesus' mother, Mary, had the biblical name of Miriam. That was my mother's name! I was born in St. Petersburg, Florida. My grandparents built & owned a hotel on St Pete Beach called the Rellim. Their last name was Miller. What is Miller spelled backwards? The story is so interesting & is on DonaldWeissIdeasForChange.com. That was a powerful part of my growing up. The hotel was American plan - 3 meals a day all included in the cost of the room. I lived with my mom in St Pete & I loved going there, especially to eat. The food was fantastic and the pool was fantastic, the beach was fantastic, the guests were fantastic the help was fantastic, the nightly activities were fantastic (especially my favorite, horse racing). I guess, overall, you could say it was a fantastic experience and a wonderful growing up.
The post card from the hotel is at the beginning of this site. It is the image I use for my Facebook page. Follow me - I have lots of great posts of mine & forward lots of good stuff. The full story is on
This image is available on brushed aluminum 18' x 27' $450 - I've titled it "Change 125"
For some reason, CHANGE has always been important to me.
I will be sending out soon to King Charles, Prince William & all who have an interest in this idea
My Idea For a Real & Lasting Peace Between Israel & The Palestinians
It is all on my website
The other “important” idea is my "organizing"
“Judy Garland Sings Some of Her Highlight Songs with Video & Live
Duets” (+ a sing-a-long) with the audiences invited to wear costumes, (one of The Lollipop Kids? Glinda? Dorothy? Judy in her beautiful poppy dress? So many possibilities!
I am proposing the show for the Palace Theatre in Times Square. That theater was renovated for Judy Garland to sing there in 1951. It had been abandoned for 18 years and her soon to be 3rd husband, Sid Luft, was in Times Square, saw it was abandoned and called the owner, who we knew, and asked him to renovated it for Judy Garland to sing there. She had just finished her career with MGM having made over 40 movies. And now Sid Luft felt the way for her to move forward was with concerts.
She performed for 40 weeks, 2 shows a day, all sold out, all rave reviews. Big crowds came to Broadway to see her - she was the biggest, most popular, most beloved movie star of her day. John Kennedy came to opening night and “fell in love” with her. Everyone does! You can’t help it. He started calling her once a week to say hello and ask you to sing part of Over the Rainbow. She spent a month 1 summer at the Kennedy compound with her 3 children. She literally had to sing for her supper. She campaigned with Kennedy when he was running for President . She was in the White House often. John Kennedy and Judy Garland had a love affair, but it was just platonic! She had the Judy Garland show in 1963 and 64 - her original contract was for $24 million for four years. It still is the highest amount for an entertainer on television through today. She wanted to commemorate John Kennedy after his assassination and she asked the CBS exec to allow her to sing Battle Hymn of The Republic. They said no so she conspired with her orchestra leader to sing it anyway, and put it at the end of one of the shows. They did not put it on the playlist that they gave to the CBS execs. Before she sang it on the TV show I read she said “This is for you Jack.” It’s very powerful.
My idea would use videos and stills with an MC telling the story of her life - with duets & a sing-a-long. It is all on JudyGarlandaAddicts.com.
I went to London at the time that Prince William and Kate got married. I decided to stay in my hotel room to take photographs from the television as that way I could cover the entire wedding.
I used the same handheld camera that I used for my Las Vegas Abstract Expression images. It had a special setting called best shot. When I put it on that setting it took its own painterly image. The images are direct images from me, modified by the camera. I did not use any third-party app to create this image and I don’t think there’s any app that actually does can create an image like this.
I put together a beautiful album with about 20 images in a nice silver case and sent it to Buckingham Palace with an album for Will and Kate and an album for the Queen and an album for the Middletons. I got them all back with a letter from Buckingham Palace saying they only accept photographs ifrom the Royal Photographer. I told them I would volunteer for the job, but they never got back to me. The letter from Buckingham Palace is below. I am beginning with 4 images from that series. If you’re interested in any, they titled as below:
I have 20 images in this series and am beginning with images 1, 2, 3 & 4. They are numbered 1 -4starting at upper L, lower L, Upper Rt, lower Rt
All images - you can buy the four images as shown or any of the four images alone
All images are on on brushed aluminum - 12" x 18" - $450 each, including the "foursome"
All images will be signed and dated me on the back. It's so nice & clean with no signature on the image. Although the images are not a limited edition, no two pieces will have the same date so each will be “unique”.
All of my "Flower Power" pieces have unusual bases. The first one I showed above used a Donald Trump gold high top sneaker. This one I’ve used a unusual base that has some time slots on an if you take a photo then you can enlarge it t read what is on the bottle.
All pieces will be shipped with the flowers bunched together & the vase sealed & shipped with the Styrofoam. You put the flowers back in as shown or yo can create your own arrangement. Fun!
Price - $295 + shipping
It is signed and dated by me at the bottom.
donald weiss
January 10, 2025
917 923-2441 (Prefer text)
DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for peace between Israel &
the Palestinians +++
JudyGarlandAddicts.com - Youtube Judy Frank Dean & choose the 6 videos
- U will plotz (If you don’t know how, I will teach you)
DonaldWeissPhotosAndArt.com This site
SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA
The Foursome
1 - Upper L - Colored Corn 125
2 - On The Road to Nowhere 125
3 - Triptych 125
4 - At The Ballet 125
All images (a “multi” or an individual image) are on brushed aluminum:
12 x 18 - $450
All images will be signed & dated my me. They are not in a limited edition, however, no 2 images will have the same date, so each image is unique.
Custom pieces can be made in any size you choose & on cprint, canvas or aluminum. I think they all look best on aluminum. Enail or text me with what you want (size & format - cprint, canvas or aluminum) & I will send you a quote.
dweiss5348@icloud.com (send to both)
917 923-2441 (text please)
DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for peace between Israel &
the Palestinians +++
JudyGarlandAddicts.com - Youtube Judy Frank Dean & choose the 6
videos U will plotz (If you don’t know how, I will teach you)
SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA
Leather Rocker/Recliner 4 Sale with Mr. I Don’t Know Why I Always Feel Blue Teddy, his buddy, Officer Bob (I think they may be gay), The Talking Parot, Pauline, Mr. Bad Bunny I, The Blue Bear Crown, The hand made (in China, of course) Indian throw blanket (what the F do the Chineese know about American Indinans - whoops, Native Americans - sorry, Hiawatha!) & You Know Who who has to show up everywhere
Price - $600
This must be picked up. I am 1 flight up & can help move it. Cash please. I am in Douglaston, Queens just south of the Douglaston Golf Course.
donald weiss
Junuary 9, 2025
917 923-2441
*DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for a permanent lasting peace between Israel & The
*JudyGarlandAddicts.com - YoutubeJudy Frank Dean & choose the 6 videos U will plotz - if you don’t know how, I’ll teach you
*DonaldWeissPhotosAndArt.com - Some items up
*SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA
Small Flags - 3 3/4 x 5 1/4 inch - $20 each - 10 for $150 - with handle
Full Size Flag on brushed aluminum:
12 x 18 - $450
All images will be signed & dated my me. They are not in a limited edition, however, no 2 images will have the same date, so each image is unique.
Custom pieces can be made in any size you choose & on cprint, canvas or aluminum. I think they all look best on aluminum. Enail or text me with what you want (size & format - cprint, canvas or aluminum) & I will send you a quote.
dweiss5348@icloud.com (send to both)
917 923-2441 (text please)
Flags can be signed by the artist (me!) or not - let me know.
Prices include shipping in the US but I wilkl have to wend you a quote for shipping internationally.
donald weiss
917 923-2441 (prefer text)
DonaldWeissldeasForChange.com - My idea for peace between Israel &
the Palestinians +++
JudyGarlandAddicts.com - Youtube Judy Frank Dean & choose the 6
videos U will plotz (If you don’t know how, I will teach you)
SculpturesByPolles.com - Nathanael wants to move to MOMA
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